Wednesday, December 3, 2008

3d dress up games - these are the basics

Starting with the famous Barbie doll, and continuing with the fashion dolls called Bratz, the dress up game continues to evolve regarding to fashion and modern trends. The girls especially will enjoy the make over games because it is known that nowadays girls start to make up from early age.

I am sure your girl will enjoy it a lot and will be truly absorbed by this game. The Bratz Rock Angelz videogame presents an isometric perspective view, just like the Sims saga of games, and has nicely designed graphics. Here are some good picks.

Ironically, their dolls that people recognize today derive from paper dolls themselves. Some of these are merchandise, mementos, movies, and other souvenir items. Remember the name of your favorite game so you can always search for it quickly and start it when you have ideal time.

All in all, these doll dress up games are meant to entertain and stimulate the imagination and the creativity of the girls, giving them ideas and teaching them about the basics of fashion and the surrounding world. Once again Gamerevolt.

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